Druid/Rogue TBC Arena Strat

While one of the strongest, Dreamstate Druid/Rogue is also one of the most difficult combos to master. If you’re up for the challenge, Druid/Rogue can be extremely enjoyable with much cc and more outplay potential than any other combo in the game.

The major difference with this comp is the Dreamstate build. It allows high mana regeneration while offering great damage potential from the druid. With all the control within this comp, it is easily one of the best and most fun comps in the game.

Recommended Talent Builds

Dreamstate Druid Talent Build


This is the general Dreamstate/Restokin build used in this comp for maximum effectiveness. There are slight variations that you can use based on your personal preference such as going 3/4 Improved Nature’s Grasp and only 1/2 Focused Starlight.

Dreamstate adds a significant amount of mana regeneration while adding Moonkin form as well. Moonkin form is extra tanky while also allowing for casting. It gives this combo great offensive abilities with high burst.

Shadowstep Rogue Talent Build


While this is the general build idea, you can play around with points in the Assassination tree a little bit to suit your playstyle. Some Rogues like to put points into Improved Expose Armor, some favor Lethality, and some skip Murder for 2 points in Improved Eviscerate.


Vs. S Tier teams:


Vs. Druid/Lock

This match can go very long and is very difficult. Be prepared for a 10 minute fight, unless your Rogue is extremely well PvE geared. The Lock/Druid have very annoying CC that can cause this strategy to go awry.


The general goal is to kill the Warlock pet (twice) and then kill the Warlock. Your Rogue should do his best to avoid ever eating a full Fear.

  • Rogue should start by Sapping the Warlock and opening on the Pet
  • When the enemy Druid comes out, CC chain him with Cyclone
  • As the Rogue continues to hack the Pet, alternate Cyclone between both enemy Warlock/Druid
  • The enemy Druid will go OOM while attempting to CC and heal both the Warlock and his Pet
  • If you are still struggling to kill the pet, you will have to lure it out of LoS while the enemy Druid is drinking far away. You might need to be patient, but an opportunity will arise. You may need to save CoS for the pet kill.
  • Rinse and repeat for the 2nd Warlock Pet
  • Proceed to kill the Warlock and do not allow him to summon another pet (Kick, Cyclone, Shadowstep, etc.)


  • If the Warlock pulls his pet back, Root the pet behind the pillar and Cyclone if it is receiving Hots, then proceed to CC the Druid
  • If the Druid comes close to heal the pet, switch to the Warlock and CC chain the Druid with Cyclone/Hibernate
  • If the pet is escaping and receiving HoTs, Cyclone the pet to prevent healing until you are able to attempt to CC the Druid.

Vs. A Tier Teams:


Vs. Mage/Rogue

The Mage/Rogue will almost always try to kill the Druid in this matchup. Both enemy classes are a major threat to the Druid, so either target is good for your Rogue to stick on and lock down. Any Sheep should be avoided by your Rogue through use of cooldowns, but trinket should be saved for Blind. The Druid should always pre-HoT before casting since a full Counterspell will be very difficult to overcome.

Main Strategy

Kill Mage

Your Rogue will attempt to Sap their Rogue. If you’re not Human, it’s better for your Rogue to open on the Mage and for your Druid to Cyclone their Rogue.

  • Druid/Rogue start in stealth looking for enemy Rogue
  • If enemy Rogue is found, immediately Sap and open on Mage with CS->KS, Shadowstep, Moonfire/Insect Swarm etc.
  • Druid runs around while casting on Mage to avoid enemy Rogue’s opening
  • Druid should attempt to control the enemy Rogue as much as possible with Cyclone/Entangling Roots; this might prove to be difficult with interrupts and CoS
  • Druid needs to LoS the Mage around the time that the enemy Rogue opens on him; should be in Moonkin form to mitigate damage
  • Mage will likely Iceblock around 75% HP
  • During Iceblock, switch to enemy Rogue
  • After Iceblock, switch back to Mage
  • Use Blind on enemy Rogue when Druid is low HP (along with NS, etc.)
  • Continue to CC enemy rogue while keeping HoTs up before casting Cyclone to limit the detriment of a long Counterspell
  • Keep Faerie Fire on the enemy Rogue

Alternative Strategy

Kill Rogue

This strategy is generally more difficult because your Rogue will not be able to interrupt Sheeps from the mage and will have more of a challenge avoiding CC.

  • Open on Mage, switch to Rogue when he comes out
  • Have Druid pillar hump to avoid a shatter combo from the Mage
  • Save Blind for use on Mage in case of potential shatter combo


Gamer and blogger with many years of experience.

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